New Products

Product Description: BEARING CAP - B END
Product Number: 40042896

New addition to our product line for A3432 Traction Motor is BEARING CAP - NDE, EMD Part No. 40042896. The part is made to OEM drawing and material specification and process. 

Product Description: END BELL - ARMATURE
Product Number: 8300100

New product development from UCRS. We could now supply End-Bell, Armature EMD P/N: 8300100 made to OEM print and material specification. This end bell is a common part in all D43, D77 ,D78 ,D87 and D90 Traction Motors. 

Product Number: 8323180

UCRS is manufacturing Crankshaft Coupling Assembly - Accessory drive, Tapered to EMD® drawing and material specification. The coupling is proudly manufactured and assembled in our Welland, Ontario/ Canada facility. 

Product Description: AXLE HOUSING - BTR
Product Number: 40045562

The Axle Housing is the major part of MSU system for traction motors. We manufacture Axle Housing of several type of traction motors including 40045562 and 40006120 to OEM drawing, process and material specification. We could also offer the rebuilt of these axle housings by welding, stress relief and machining to OEM tolerances. 

Product Description: COVER ASSEMBLY - IMPELLER
Product Number: 8360527

New addition to UCRS Turbocharger line of products is Cover Impeller, P/N 8360527. The item is made in full compliance with OEM design. The special contour of the impeller is meticulously inspected by CMM and special contour gauge for each impeller cover by our quality staff.  

Product Description: COUPLING DISC - ENGINE END
Product Number: 9552505

Upper Canada Railway Services is manufacturing a range of engine coupling disks for EMD 645 and 710 engines to OEM drawing and material specification. The disks are made precisely in compliance with OEM processes. The group of these disks made in house by UCRS includes P/N 9552505, 8365558 for 645 series engine and 40039295 and 9553716 for 710 engines. 

Product Description: RETAINER ASSY - OIL SEAL
Product Number: 8175731

The RETAINER ASSY - OIL SEAL - P/N 8175731 has been successfully developed and manufactured by UCRS. This part is manufactured with top quality and to OEM specification and requirements. The retainer is available and in stock for our customers worldwide!

Product Description: COVER - FRONT
Product Number: 7491080

A new addition to Upper Canada Railway Service (UCRS) line of products. The FRONT COVER P/N 7491080 for Hyatt Style 5-1/2 x 10 Journal Box. 

Product Description: BEARING COVER - B END (NDE)
Product Number: 40044362

The newest product available from UCRS is the BEARING COVER for A34/32 Traction Motors - Part No 40044362. This part is made in-house, conforming to all OEM specifications and tolerances. We dedicate ourselves in providing the highest quality parts to our customers and this part is no different! 

Product Description: CAP - REAR
Product Number: 7490632

Upper Canada Railway Services is offering all components of 5-1/2 x 10 Hyatt® Journal Box including Rear CAP P/N: 7490632 made to OEM print and material specification. The Hyatt® Journal Box 5-1/2 x 10 is widely used in EMD GP and G series locomotives

Product Description: HOUSING ASSEMBLY
Product Number: 40086499

We are manufacturing the bearing housing assembly to OEM print and material specification and process. This product is produced 100% by UCRS in our Welland facility in Canada. This housing could be installed on all EMD generator family of AR6, AR10, AR11, TA17. 

Product Description: INNER COVER - B END
Product Number: 40042898

The INNER COVER - B END P/N 40042898 for A3432 Traction Motor is made by UCRS in full compliance with OEM drawing and material specifications. All parts are precisely checked with our Mitutoyo CMM to make sure that every single product meets the tolerances as defined by OEM print. 

Product Description: SPRING ASSY
Product Number: 40007848

The UCRS team is proud to announce the development of the Rubber Spring Assembly P/N: 40007848. This item is designed and manufactured in full compliance with OEM design and material and strict conformance with quality requirements as per AAR M-1003. 

The spring has been extensively tested in our lab to ensure conformance in sear loads, spring rates, material hardness and other mechanical properties. This assembly is one of many high quality locomotive components we offer 

Product Description: SEAL ASSEMBLY - A END (PE)
Product Number: 40064845

One of the important items in our lit of products is the A-END SEAL P/N 40064845 which is made to OEM specification and processes. The A End Seal is proudly made 100% in Canada and is installed in locomotives around the globe with zero warranty claim. 

Product Number: 8345866

We are very proud to inform you about our newly developed assembly 8345866 - COLLECTOR ASSEMBLY. This assembly meets and exceeds OEM specifications and drawings and has been thoroughly tested and inspected. We have already delivered some units to some of our first-class clients and received very positive feedback. We have this item available and in stock!

This product is made to OEM drawings and material specifications and strict conformance with quality requirements as per AAR M-1003.

Product Description: COVER ASY - BEARING INCLUDES - BH
Product Number: 8418689

UCRS has just developed 8418689 – COVER ASSEMBLY including brush holder studs . This assembly meets and exceeds OEM specifications and drawings and has been thoroughly tested and inspected. This assembly is the newest addition to the line of assemblies manufactured from UCRS. We have this item available and in stock!

This product is made to OEM drawings and material specifications and strict conformance with quality requirements as per AAR M-1003.

Product Description: FRAME ASY - D43TRL
Product Number: 40128960

A very important part of our D43 Traction Motor product line is the traction motor frame assembly. The frames are manufactured to OEM drawing and material specification with top notch quality that guarantees the performance of the traction motors. UCRS is capalble of manufacturing and supply TRC (EMD P/N 40085201) and TRL (EMD P/N 40128960) traction motor frames

Product Description: OVERSPEED TRIP ASSY
Product Number: 40013182

UCRS has recently developed and manufactured the Overspeed Trip Assembly P/N 40013182 to OEM prints and material specification. This assembly is common in all 567, 645 and 710 engines

Product Description: STUBSHAFT ASSY - IDLER GEAR
Product Number: 8470154

UCRS is the sole aftermarket manufacturer of Stubshaft Assembly P/N 8470154 and 8484128. Our Stubshaft is made meticulously with a high level of attention to detail in accordance with OEM print and material specification

Product Description: FLEXIBLE AIRDUCT
Product Number: 40104978

Brand new developed part by the UCRS team! The Flexible Air duct P/N 40104978 is for A3432 Traction motors. This product has been designed and built to OEM drawings and specifications. Main air duct assembly  P/N 40105842 is also available for our customers which includes the Flexible Air Ducts and its Clamp.

Product Number: 9084995

UCRS is producing the full assembly of the AR10 Rectifier Assembly P/N 9084995 (which replaces 9545548, 9559168, 9084997, 9084996, and 9084998). This assembly is manufactured according to OEM specifications and technical requirements, with careful attention to every detail.

Product Description: WHEEL ASSY - BLOWER - 12 BLADES
Product Number: 8350529

Upper Canada Railway Service is now capable to offer Wheel Blower Assembly, P/N 8350529. The part is made to OEM drawing, material specification and is balance to specification that exceed the OEM standard. 

Product Number: 8164682

Upper Canada Railway Services has successfully developed a wide range of EMD Alternator Flexible Coupling Disks for AR and TA series of generators. The product range covers a variety of coupling disks part numbers including male, female, small and large rotor hub and offset disks. All disks are made to OEM material specification and processes. Here are the OEM part numbers that could be manufactured: 
- 9556139
- 9552506
- 8164682
- 8185986
- 8363127
- 8480732
- 40055221

Product Description: PINION GAUGE - 15T
Product Number: 8344485

UCRS has just rolled out a line of Traction Motor Pinion Tooth Contour Gauges for various pinions including 15, 17, 20 and 22 teeth. The traction motor involute profile is checked with these gauges along with a feeler gauge to measure profile deviation and wear of traction motor pinions.

The new gauges include: 
15 tooth Pinion Tooth Contour Gauge P/N: 8344485
17 tooth Pinion Tooth Contour Gauge P/N: 8347120
20 tooth Pinion Tooth Contour Gauge P/N: 8485575
22 tooth Pinion Tooth Contour Gauge P/N: 8485577

Product Description: HOUSING - BEARING CE
Product Number: 9324371

The newest addition to the UCRS line up is the HOUSING - BEARING CE - P/N 9324371.  These housings have been carefully checked by our QA division to ensure conformance as at UCRS, quality is of most importance. This part is manufactured to all OEM specifications, materials and processes.

Product Number: 9547319

UCRS is proudly manufacturing the complete assembly of AR11 Rectifier Assembly - Left Bank P/N 9547319 (9548652) and Rectifier Assembly - Right Bank P/N 9547320 (9548653). This assembly is made to OEM specification and technical requirements with attention to all details. 

Product Number: 8295501

UCRS is proudly announcing the addition of a new product to our line of locomotive Ammeters and Voltmeters. The Ammeter - Battery Charging, P/N 8295501 is made to OEM specification with performance that meets or exceeds the OEM. 

Product Number: 8460738

UCRS manufactures the Auxiliary Generator Drive, P/N 8460738, and all its components in-house at our facility in Ontario, Canada. Assembly and components are all made to OEM drawings, material specifications, and processes. 

In addition to manufacturing all brand new drives, we are capable of rebuilding your Aux Generator Drive to OEM specifications with 12 months in service warranty.

Product Description: OUTER COVER - B END
Product Number: 40105347

Another item in our A3432 product lineup is Outer Cover Assembly, P/N 40105347 which is made to OEM print and material specification.